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In Men In Black 3, there is a scene where a character has downloaded a video from YouTube. The movie was not only acting as a parody of the popular website but also as a critique on people's ignorance about how YouTube works. One of the characters says, "Remember back when you couldn't just go to YouTube and type in what you're looking for? You had to find it first." He goes on to say that if they wanted to find YouTube, they would have been searching Google. Since the viewer can access an almost infinite number of videos with just one search term-they could have found it themselves without being so dependent on search engines. In another scene, one of the characters says, "It's like YouTube all over again." The character is referring to the Men In Black (M.I.B) organization that is now trying to clear people's memories of aliens and certain events that occurred during those times. This is a reference to Google and its efforts in keeping certain information on the Internet private and search engine friendly. The organization has been able to erase videos and messages from YouTube with their 'memory erasers', forcing people not only to need search engines, but be dependent on them as well. Another scene in the movie shows a character trying to find a video of a fight between a group of women. He starts off only being able to find videos with less than a thousand views and says, "We have to start bringing up our numbers." This is referring to the fact that videos on YouTube gain popularity through more views. The character then proceeds to hack into people's ipod and download hundreds of videos onto it. He does this by tapping into the ipods wireless connection, thus creating an army of people using their own computers and internet connections without their knowledge. However, this method still did not bring enough viewers for the characters search result. The character then hacks into a network of people who had recently been implanted with alien technology. This allows the M.I.B to have access to this network from their own personal computers and they can control all of the information that they will be able to see on their screens. However, this still did not bring enough viewers for the character's search result. The character then hacks into a network of people who had recently been implanted with alien technology, which allows the M.I.B to have access to this network from their own personal computers and they can control all of the information that they will be able to see on their screens. This allowed the character to have access to all of the information that he needed in order to find what he was looking for. Both of these scenes show how people are more dependent on search engines than ever before, and how internet connections are getting faster and faster due to the wireless connections on our electronics. However, they also show how certain online videos can be inaccessible without more views or through hacking into other people's computers and networks. Another scene that is critical of YouTube is when Will Smith's character shows his friend some homemade videos on YouTube that he has created featuring his own daughter. He then says, "It's just like TV. cfa1e77820